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Die Kupferschiefer Lausitz GmbH

KSL Kupferschiefer Lausitz GmbH is a German company based in Spremberg, which was founded in 2007. In recent years, more than 40 million euros have been invested in the exploration and development of the deposit in Lusatia. KSL is currently working on the project with a team of renowned partners, technicians, engineers, experts and consultants. The company is also cooperating with research institutions such as the Technical University Bergakademie Freiberg, the Helmholtz Institute for Resource Technology Freiberg (HIF) and the German Research Center for Geosciences (GFZ) in Potsdam.

Kupferschiefer Lausitz GmbH is a subsidiary of the international mining holding company Minera S.A., headquartered in Washington D.C., which specializes in the mining of non-ferrous and precious metal ores in Europe and South America. Minera S.A. has more than 60 years of experience in the exploration of deposits and the operation of mines and smelters. One of the founders of Minera S.A. is the Bolivian entrepreneur Gonzalo Sanchez de Lozada (93). The Chairman of Minera S.A. today is Sergio Palma.


Mr. Blas Urioste

Country Manager

©2023 KSL Kupferschiefer Lausitz. Impressum

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